What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a process that helps improve the percentage of visitors to your website who complete a desired action.

CRO is an important part of digital marketing and can help you grow your business by increasing revenue.

This post will explain what CRO is, why it matters, how it works, and why it’s important to measure its success with CRO.

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How does conversion rate optimization work?

In order for people to take certain actions on websites such as buying something or subscribing they have to go through three stages: awareness, consideration, and conversion. Conversion rates are calculated by taking the number of conversions out of all visits; this tells you if your page design and layout are effective.

There are many factors that can affect CRO, including:

– The design of the page

– What you offer on your website and how it’s presented to visitors.

– How clear instructions are for completing the desired action.

– Whether or not people feel like they’re being sold something (which is why an email signup form should never be positioned above the fold)

It’s important to note that there is no “perfect” conversion rate in terms of what works best; while some pages may convert at 25%, others might only have a 15% conversion rate because their audience isn’t as interested in what they provide.

It all depends on what type of product or service you offer. You want high traffic, but you also want to convert them at the same rate.

Why is CRO so important?


CRO can help boost your revenue by increasing how many people complete desired actions on your website and purchase or subscribe, which will make it easier for you to grow a sustainable business.

CRO is especially important in industries where competition between companies is high because CRO could mean the difference between success and failure.

CROs are what fuel growth online; having reliable CROs helps measure the performance of digital marketing campaigns that then impacts future decisions about content, design, audience targeting, etc., all with the goal of improving ROI.

It’s always best to start small and work up from there when measuring conversion rates as opposed to jumping into CRO and trying to optimize everything at once. CROs are an ongoing process that requires patience, time, testing, and tweaking in order for you to see improvements over time.

Why do you need to optimize the user experience?


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


The CRO process is designed to optimize the user experience. CRO focuses on boosting conversion rates by addressing four key areas:

– User Interface

– Layout and design of website pages

– Emotional response that users have when they visit a site or respond to an email campaign

– The relationship between your business goals and what you offer visitors in order for them to convert into customers (by understanding how marketing campaigns are working)

CROs can be broken down into three phases: awareness phase/consideration phase/conversion phase. It should also be noted that CROs are a process and not an event. CRO is about understanding what your target audience wants and responding with the best possible experience in order to optimize conversion rates across all three phases of CRO (awareness phase, consideration phase, conversion phase).

What can be done during the awareness stage?

During this first stage when visitors come to your website they’re typically just browsing or checking for information; it’s important that you provide these potential customers with clear messaging so that they know exactly how you plan on being able to help them solve their problem.

This ties into designing pages with relevant content as well as including persuasive copywriting throughout your site – both of which will increase CRO by making it easier for people who visit your site to find what they’re looking for.

What can be done during the consideration stage?

During this second stage, CROs focus on three main areas:

– The emotional response customers have to your website

– Clear and concise messaging about how you plan to help visitors with their problem

– Value that is offered in exchange for information or signup (this will typically be a lead capture form)

When thinking about CRO during the consideration phase it’s important to think outside of just designing pages – CRO requires an understanding of what motivates people.

It should also be noted that there are some basic principles behind CRO which include not only optimizing conversions but also increasing traffic by focusing on keywords and making sure everything works well together as far as conversion rates go.

CROs require careful analysis before deciding whether or not changes need to be made and CROs are an ongoing process.

What can be done during the conversion phase?

The third stage of CRO focuses on increasing conversions by making it as easy as possible for visitors to take an action – such as signing up, buying something, or filling out a form. CROs focus on four areas:

– A clear call-to-action that is placed in front of users

– Clear design elements which make your website intuitive (this means designing pages with clean navigation so that people know where they’re going)

– The emotional response customers have when interacting with your site; this includes everything from dealing with any technical issues or worries about information security while also working hard to increase trust through transparency.

– CRO is an ongoing process so CROs will continue to be tweaked and changed in order to increase conversion rates.

CROs don’t happen automatically, they require time, patience, testing, and careful analysis of data before deciding if changes need to be made.

What are some ways you can test new features before releasing them?

Every business introduces new changes to its workflow, but the change is irrelevant if your customers end up hating it and it ends up lowering your conversion rates.

CRO is about understanding what your target audience wants and responding with the best possible experience in order to optimize conversion rates across all three CRO phases. CROs require careful analysis before deciding whether or not changes need to be made.

What are some CRO testing methods?

– A/B Testing:

When you have a new idea, it’s important that you test it out first by creating two different versions of the same thing.

One version will remain unchanged while the other one will include a new design element – usually something subtle like a color change or font change; this allows for easy comparison between which one performs better when interacting with customers (which then provides a clear insight into how these features might affect conversions). This can also be done on social media and CRMs.

– Multivariate Testing:

This CRO testing method is a little more complicated in that it requires creating several different versions of the same page; each version will include something new like colors or fonts which are meant to be tested against one another – this allows for an easy comparison between how CROs affect conversions as well as providing clear insight into what works best with your target audience (if you’re looking to get on top of CROS, then you’ll need to make sure everyone agrees on all decisions). This can also be done on social media and CRMS.

– The A/B/N Method:

Instead of just deciding whether two options work better than others by using statistical significance tests, CROs also need to consider how CRM data can be used to further explore the CRO testing methods.

This CRO method involves creating three versions of a new page – one will serve as the control, while two other options will test out CROs and see which is most successful in terms of driving conversions; with this CRO strategy, you’ll want to make sure that all conversion rates are measured before releasing any changes (with A/B Testing or Multivariate Testing).

– The Likert Scale Test: This CRO method relies on providing users with an opportunity for feedback by asking them what they think about different design elements like colors, fonts, images, etc.; responses are then recorded using a five-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree and CROs can be changed based on what users are saying.

– The User Interview Method: CRO is about understanding what your target audience wants and responding with the best possible experience, so it’s important to ask for feedback from a wide range of people – this CRO method relies on asking users how they feel about different design elements which can then help you determine whether or not changes need to be made.

This CRO strategy doesn’t require any statistical significance tests since CRM data will let you know if there has been an increase in conversions; instead, all that needs to happen is one round of testing before releasing changes (with A/B Testing).

How should you measure success with CRO?


In simple terms if there is an increase in conversions then that means it’s working well; if there isn’t an increase in conversion rates, then you need to change or reconsider the whole process.

Measurement tools will depend on the CRO method being used – some may rely heavily on analytics while others may not require any measurement at all since changes can be made after just one round of testing.

You should also make sure that whatever you’re measuring is something relevant and useful as opposed to providing CRO insights that don’t really provide any use.


Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving your website’s landing pages to make them more attractive, relevant, and effective.

CRO can be applied at every stage in a customer journey or lead funnel from awareness to conversion phase. When you optimize all aspects of your site for conversions- such as designing high quality leads with call-to-actions that are clear and concise; making sure there’s no friction during checkout; having an easy return policy on products; providing live chat options available 24/7 – it will boost sales by converting more visitors into customers.

To find out if any features need improvement before releasing them, test new ones using A/B testing methods which show what works best based on how people respond, FigPii offers your a suite of CRO tools like A/B testing, heat maps, and more, get 14 days of free trial and increase your conversions now.
