When browsing through an online store, what catches your eye? Is it the fancy product descriptions or the slick website design? It’s hardly that; it’s usually the customer reviews, ratings, testimonials, and little numbers that show how many people bought that item.

People crave reassurance before they whip out their credit cards. They want proof that they’re making the right choice and not falling into a pit of buyer’s remorse. And that’s where social proof swoops in to save the day.

In this article, I’ll discuss social proof, its importance, and the different types of social proof that ecommerce businesses can employ to increase their conversion rates.

What is Social Proof?

Social proof refers to the psychological phenomenon where individuals look to the actions and behaviors of others to guide their decision-making. It is a form of social influence that occurs when people perceive the actions, choices, or opinions of others as evidence of the right course of action.

Think of social proof as the virtual nod of approval you get from others when deciding. It’s that powerful psychological phenomenon that kicks in when we see other people doing something and think, ‘Hey if they’re doing it, it must be good!’

In the world of e-commerce, social proof is your secret weapon to win over customers and boost sales. It’s like a tool that helps you build credibility and trust with potential customers.

Importance of Social Proof

So, why is social proof necessary for e-commerce businesses? Think about the last time you were torn between two products. Did you choose the one with zero reviews and zero social proof, or did you go for the one with tons of positive feedback? I’m willing to bet it’s the latter.

Social proof builds credibility, boosts your brand’s reputation, and instills confidence in potential customers. It’s the secret sauce that turns browsing into buying and users into paying customers. Without it, you’re just another face in the crowded e-commerce sea, struggling to stand out.


Now, let’s dive into the other important reasons why social proof is important

  1. Overcoming Skepticism

When potential customers are considering a purchase, they often encounter a healthy dose of skepticism. They may wonder if a product or service lives up to its claims or if a brand can truly deliver on its promises. This skepticism can create a barrier, preventing them from taking that final leap to make a purchase.

Social proof tackles skepticism head-on by presenting tangible evidence that supports your brand’s claims. It shows that your product or service has successfully met the needs and expectations of others, reducing the perceived risk for potential customers.

  1. Building Trust

Social proof acts as a trust-building tool for your online store. When potential customers see positive reviews, testimonials, or ratings from other satisfied buyers, it reassures them that your products or services are trustworthy and worth their hard-earned cash.

  1. Increasing Credibility

Social proof helps establish your brand’s credibility. By showcasing customer feedback and experiences, you’re proving that you’re not just another name in a bottomless pool of brand names. It tells people, “Hey, we’ve got a solid track record, and you can count on us to deliver quality.”

  1. Influencing Decision-Making

Social proof has this magical ability to influence our decision-making process. We, humans, are wired to seek validation from others, especially when it comes to making choices. It’s like a survival instinct, a way to minimize risk and ensure we’re not making a wrong move.

But it’s not just about blindly following the crowd. Social proof taps into our natural desire for social connection and belonging. We want to be part of a community, to feel connected to others who share similar interests and values.

So when we see that a product has a thriving community of satisfied customers, it creates a sense of belonging and trust. It’s like joining a club where everyone is happy and excited about their purchase.

  1. Fostering Authentic Connections

Social proof helps you connect with your target audience on a deeper level. When you share real stories and experiences from your customers, it humanizes your brand. It shows that you genuinely care about your customers’ satisfaction and are not just in it for a quick buck.

  1. Encouraging Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Social proof is the ultimate fuel for word-of-mouth marketing. When customers have a positive experience, they’re more likely to spread the word to their friends, family, and social networks. It’s like having an army of brand advocates eager to praise you.

  1. Differentiating from Competitors

In a saturated e-commerce space, social proof sets you apart from the competition. When potential customers see glowing testimonials and review specific to your brand, it helps them understand why they should choose you over your rivals. It’s like waving a flag that says, “We’re the real deal, folks!”  Additionally, you can use social media competitor analysis to compare your testimonials with those of your competitors.

  1. Reducing Purchase Anxiety

Social proof alleviates those nagging doubts that often accompany online purchases. When customers see that others have had positive experiences, it reduces their anxiety about whether they’re making the right choice. It’s like a comforting voice saying, “Relax, you’re in good hands.”

  1. Increasing Conversion Rates

Ultimately, social proof has a direct impact on your bottom line. When customers see the positive experiences of others, it boosts their confidence and nudges them closer to hitting that “Buy Now” button. It’s like having a persuasive sales team working 24/7 for your e-commerce business.

  1. Enhancing Brand Reputation

Social proof contributes to building a stellar brand reputation. When people consistently encounter positive reviews, testimonials, and social media buzz about your brand, it creates a positive perception. It’s like cementing your reputation as a trusted player in your industry.

Types of Social Proof

Social proof isn’t just about reviews and testimonials. It can take many forms. It could be those shiny badges proudly displaying the number of followers or subscribers you have on social media.

Also, it could be showcasing the logos of big-name clients you’ve worked with. It could be leveraging influencers or celebrities to endorse your brand.

Here are some common examples of social proof you can use to promote your business, generate more revenue and get more loyal customers.

  1. Case Studies

Case studies are in-depth examinations of real-life scenarios where your product or service has been successfully implemented and delivered measurable results.

They provide a detailed account of how your offering solved specific problems or achieved specific goals for your customers. Case studies serve as compelling social proof by showcasing your expertise and demonstrating the practical value your solutions bring to the table.

Invesp's Case Studies Page

Invesp created a collection of case studies for their existing clients where they document the challenges, proposed solutions, and results of their conversion rate optimization process.

Invesp's case study on Ebay

  1. Influencer or Celebrity Endorsement

How many of us automatically want to use a product because we see our favorite influencer in a marketing ad for the product?

Celebrity endorsement is a powerful form of social proof where well-known personalities, such as actors, athletes, or influencers, promote or associate themselves with a product, brand, or cause.

Their endorsement leverages their fame, credibility, and influence to persuade consumers to trust and engage with the endorsed entity.

Beyonce's Ad for Pepsi

Beyonce and Pepsi

Ed Sheeran’s Heinz Ad

Social media influencers’ or celebrities’ endorsements are powerful social proof as they tap into people’s trust and admiration for these personalities.

  1. User Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any content created and shared by your customers or users. This can include reviews, testimonials, social media posts, images, videos, or blog articles.

UGC serves as authentic social proof because it originates directly from your satisfied customers, showcasing their positive experiences with your brand.

It demonstrates that real people find value in your offerings and helps build trust and credibility among potential customers.

A user-generated blog content on Tesla Model 3

This is an example of a UGC on the customer’s blog.

Additionally, in this age of social media, gathering user-generated content has become easier, as businesses and brands can create challenges their users can participate in by using relevant hashtags and tagging the brand.

Spotify Wrapped

Another excellent example is the Spotify end-of-the-year listening stats for their users, which usually trends on different social media platforms at the end of the year.

  1. Clients’ List

FigPii's Client List

Figpii Clients’ List

A client list is a compilation of the notable clients or companies you have worked with or provided your products or services to.

This social proof demonstrates the caliber of organizations that have chosen to partner with you and indicates their trust in your brand.

Including a clients list on your website or marketing materials showcases your experience, establishes credibility, and can help attract new clients who seek validation from seeing familiar names or well-respected brands.

  1. Trust Badges and Certificates

These are virtual badges showing off certifications, awards, or security verifications. These trust badges and certificates are visual cues that assure visitors that the website is safe, reliable, and trustworthy.

Some show off industry-specific certifications, like ISO or PCI compliance, indicating that the website meets certain standards and regulations. Others display security seals, such as SSL certificates or hacker-proof badges, which signal that the website has taken all the necessary precautions to protect your personal information.

When visitors see these trust badges and certificates, it puts their minds at ease. They feel more confident sharing sensitive information, purchasing, or engaging with the website.

Payment Badges

Payment badges

Certification and Trust Badges

Certification & Trust Badges

  1. User Reviews and Customer Testimonials

A user testimonial from a FigPii user

A user testimonial from a FigPii user

User reviews and testimonials are written or recorded expressions of satisfaction, feedback, or recommendations from your customers. They provide direct feedback about their experiences with your brand, products, or services.

Reviews and testimonials provide valuable social proof by offering unbiased perspectives on your offer’s benefits, features, and overall quality. Potential customers rely on these firsthand accounts to make informed decisions, building trust and confidence in your brand.

Over To You

Remember, people trust people. They trust their peers, influencers, and even strangers on the internet more than they trust your flashy marketing claims.

So, embrace social proof. Flaunt those glowing reviews, and show off those impressive numbers, as they can positively influence customer behavior and help you generate more revenue.

When you have many positive reviews or testimonials plastered all over your website, it sends a clear message: ‘Hey, look at all these happy customers! You can trust us, too!’.
