Back in 2011, Instagram introduced the “Following” tab, where users could see the online activities of their followers. This tab showed users the likes, comments, and new accounts their friends followed. 

Although Instagram introduced this feature to help users discover new followers and interests, most people saw this as a stalking feature.

Not every user was happy with this new feature, and some users showed their discontent on social platforms like Twitter: 

Twitter Screenshot of a user complaining about a new instagram feature.

The social media giant heeded the call of its users and removed the following tab. 

While this decision may or may not have affected their revenue, it increased user satisfaction and loyalty.

With this in mind, there’s no denying that getting customer feedback should be as crucial to ecommerce as making sales. Why? Because reviews can significantly impact the business’s trajectory. 

Smart marketers know that there is no such thing as bad feedback. Whether it is positive or negative feedback, you can still use it to propel your business. 

In this article, we’ll talk about customer feedback in great detail. After reading this, you will know about the following:

  • the best customer feedback software for ecommerce, 
  • importance of customer feedback software to ecommerce business, 
  • and what you should consider before getting any of this software. 

Let’s get started…shall we? 

What is Customer Feedback Software?

Customer feedback software is a tool or an application that businesses use to obtain and analyze feedback to improve customer experience. The feedback is usually from multiple sources and platforms the business operates. 

Let’s quickly track back to a time before feedback software became the norm.

The first record of customer feedback was in 1750BC, and it was chiseled on a clay tablet by a customer who was dissatisfied with a product he purchased from a supplier. Can you imagine if Amazon asked customers to give feedback on clay tablets? We would witness the emergence of sculptors rather than clay tablets filled with feedback.

With time, improvements were made, and businesses could gather feedback through phone interviews with customers and in-person meetings. The birth of the internet caused a significant change in how companies obtained customer feedback, emails, and customer experience management systems replaced phone interviews and in-person meetings.

Then came social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where customers can publicly give direct feedback to businesses whether it was requested or not. 

Nowadays, businesses and brands are competing for customer attention, and their focus has gradually shifted from being product-driven to customer-driven. Businesses now understand that they need to restrategize in order to address customers’ needs based on feedback obtained from the customers. 

One effective method for gathering feedback is to create a QR Code for a Google Form-type survey and integrate it into your website. 

As an ecommerce owner, one of your primary focuses will be improving your customer experience, and gathering customer feedback is an effective way to do that.

With the right software, collecting and processing feedback becomes a walk in the park.

Top Customer Feedback Software Tools for Ecommerce

We’ve covered factors that should influence your decision when choosing feedback software. Now, let’s take a look at some of the top customer feedback software in the market.

  1. FigPii

Figpii is a powerful tool that focuses on using feedback and observation of customer behavior on your website to increase conversion. FigPii uses heatmaps and session recordings to reveal how customers interact with your website. It also offers on-site polls and surveys for requesting direct feedback from customers.

FigPii’s on-site polls allow you to

  1. Run polls on one or multiple pages of your site.
  2. Run polls for visitors coming from a specific campaign or source.
  3. Use advanced targeting to run customer research for returning or new visitors.
  4. Create polls for visitors using a specific device to access your website.

Another important feature of FigPii is that it is also an a/b testing software.

FigPii supports the integration of third-party tools like Unbounce, Wix, Magento, SquareSpace, Shopify, WordPress, etc.

FigPii Homepage
  1. Typeform

If you want to create online surveys, forms, or quizzes to obtain customer feedback, then Typeform is an excellent choice. It has a user-friendly interface, and the surveys are easy to set up. Typeform supports the integration of other tools like Google Sheets, Zapier, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Hubspot, Facebook Pixel, Airtable, etc.

Typeform Homepage
  1. Hotjar

Hotjar is an analytics tool for understanding how users behave on your site. It offers visual insights in the form of heat maps and session recordings. Features like polls and surveys for requesting customer feedback are also available on Hotjar.

It supports integrations like Slack, Zapier, Google Analytics, Optimizely, Segment, Hubspot, etc.

Hotjar Homepage
  1. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a robust cloud-based tool that you can use to create surveys, quizzes, and polls to get feedback from your customers. With SurveyMonkey, you can gather feedback through different channels, including your website, social media, and email. It also supports real-time feedback analysis from polls, surveys, and quizzes.

SurveyMonkey supports the integration of tools like Microsoft Teams, Mailchimp, Google Drive, Hubspot, Salesforce, etc.

Survey Monkey Sample form
  1. Hubspot Service Hub

Hubspot also offers customer service software that ecommerce can use to develop better relationships with their customers. The service hub simplifies managing customer relationships and communications. It also comes with feedback tools for gathering insights into customer behavior and identifying areas of improvement. 

Hubspot service hub supports the integration of tools like Slack, Trello, Google Sheets, Zoom, Gmail, etc.

Hubspot Customer Service Software
  1. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is another excellent tool for getting customer feedback while on the website. With Qualroo, you can use survey templates or create ones that suit your needs when you need customer feedback. Qualroo lets you determine which customers your surveys target and when by using filters like purchase history, locations, events, etc.

Qualaroo supports integration like Salesforce, tableau, intercom, zapier, slack, Hubspot, marketio, webhooks, and MailChimp.

Qualaroo Homepage


6 Things to consider when choosing a customer feedback software

Factors to consider before choosing a feedback software

There are many customer feedback software in the market nowadays, and a simple Google search will lead you to a bottomless pool of tools. 

But how do you know how to choose the right customer feedback tool that will be effective in helping your business to listen, understand, and address customers’ needs?

We have curated a list of some of the features we consider important when choosing customer feedback software.

  1. Integrations.

Many customer feedback software supports the integration of other tools. These tools make it easier to gather feedback from multiple sources and act on it. Tools to integrate with customer feedback software include CRMs, Google Analytics, Gmail, social media channels, etc.

  1. Type of Feedback

The type of feedback you need from your customers should influence your choice of feedback software.

Surveys and questionnaires are the best ways to achieve detailed customer feedback about their experience with your products or services. Also, if you want customers’ input on updates that can improve your product, you want to look at feature request surveys. 

  1. Ease of Use

This goes both ways for businesses and customers. If you are having difficulty setting up surveys, polls, or feedback forms, there’s a high chance that your customers will face similar problems while trying to give feedback.

It would help if you considered tools that are easy to set up and for the customers to use.

  1. Accessibility to all users

Does your feedback software have provisions for the visually impaired or people with low vision? 

Will customers using devices with smaller screens be able to access surveys and polls?

If your business caters to global customers, you also want to make sure the feedback tool of your choice is accessible to all your customers. Other accessibility considerations include the support of assistive technology like on-screen readers. 

  1. Feedback Analysis

Feedback software is only helpful if you can obtain the necessary information and insights. Excellent customer feedback software should have features that analyze feedback and allow you to extract and export data.

  1. Personalized Feedback

It’s not every time you want to get feedback from all your customers. Sometimes, your focus can be on a particular group of customers.

Say you want to gather feedback from customers who patronize you from a particular geographical location, aged 20-35, within the last month. Customer feedback software should allow this level of customization and personalization of feedback.

Importance of customer feedback software to ecommerce

With the right tools, ecommerce owners can collect customer feedback and discover opportunities to help their businesses grow. This is why customer feedback software is a good investment for ecommerce businesses. 

These are other reasons why customer feedback software is essential to ecommerce.

  1. Automation of feedback

Imagine you run a business that caters to over 10000 users from different parts of the world, and you have to conduct a survey and administer questionnaires to these customers. That would be next to impossible. With feedback software, ecommerce owners can automate surveys and questionnaires when gathering and analyzing customer feedback in no time. 

  1. Improvement of customer experience

There’s this thing that ecommerce brands like Amazon do, where they send a customer satisfaction survey after an order has been placed or a recent delivery was made. They ask customers about their experience with their site. 

Feedback like this is constructive, especially if customers have something to say. Since their interaction with the brand is still very fresh, they can give a detailed account of their experience. The brand can, in turn, use the feedback to improve the different stages of the customer journey and overall its customer experience.

Amazon Customer Survey

  1. Helps to identify areas of product improvement

No product or website is perfect, and now and then, brands and businesses have to iteratively improve to ensure that customers are satisfied with their products and services. With customer feedback software, you can gather actionable customer insights on areas where your products need improvement. 

  1. Easier to gauge customer satisfaction

Customer feedback software makes it easy for brands to know whether they meet their customers’ needs. Here is a question from one of the customer satisfaction surveys used by SurveyMonkey. 

Customer feedback questionnaire

  1. Increases customer retention

Customers feel seen and heard when they can give feedback easily and see that their feedback is being incorporated into your products and services. This will inspire customer loyalty and increase retention.


Customer Feedback Software is one of the keys to unlocking actionable insights from your customers. Both positive and negative feedback management is also an important quality to possess as a business owner because it’s not every time that your customers will have something nice to say about your business. 
